Praying before the sunrise

What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

THE night before I go to sleep with meditation  music i wake into prayer for the start of the day I start stretching out my bones cause being 40 is not like the younger 30s .. lol 😂

I Take a shower etc. Put on my workout gear make breakfast afterwards I head out to do my Workout for about an hour. Head back home take another shower put on my Boss gear or whatever I decide to wear and Start my work day as a Entrepreneur / Artist. 👌😁

That all starts From 5- 8am. by 9:00 I’m drinking Coffee and creating 👍 having a routine keeps you motivated so stay consistent with yourself and you will see the results in whatever it is that your working on. 

I stop Everything at 6pm Cause Rest and sleep are very important I never over work my self. Your Health is your wealth so treat your self right. We only get one life so choose to be healthy. 

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